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Beginning/ Intermediate Algebra: Tyler Wallace (Pdf Text)

Content Overview

Course Materials YES NO
Lumen OHM Questions? X
Editable Text? X - TexMacs Source files
Video lessons/ examples? X - in Lumen OHM
Written Assessments/ Test? X
Workbook?  Here
Print Available? Here


Beginning and Intermediate Algebra , by Tyler Wallace is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. The course was originally created for the Open Course Library project, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and managed by the Washington State Board of Community and Technical Colleges. The text is designed for two terms, and is most appropriate for face to face settings.  This text is fully integrated with our online learning system, Lumen OHM. The source files for this text are written with TexMacs, should you wish to edit them, otherwise the fully integrated course contains pdfs for each chapter.

Topic Overview

The text for this course is laid out in 11 modules:

Module 0:

  • Integers, Fractions, Order of Operations, Properties of Algebra

Module 1:

  • Solving linear equations including absolute value and fractions
  • Applications of linear equations including using formulas, variation, geometry, distance

Module 2:

  • Equations of lines and graphs of lines including slope, slope-intercept form, point-slope form and parallel and perpendicular lines

Module 3:

  • Solving and graphing inequalities, including compound inequalities and absolute value inequalities

Module 4:

  • Graphing and solving systems of linear equations in two and three variables using addition/ elimination, including value and mixture application problems

Module 5:

  • Properties of exponents and scientific notation
  • Algebraic operations on polynomials

Module 6:

  • Factoring methods for polynomials including trinomials and special products
  • Solving polynomial equations by factoring

Module 7:

  • Algebraic operations on rational expressions and solving rational equations, including dimensional analysis

Module 8:

  • Algebraic operations on radicals and radical expressions, including rationalizing denominators and complex numbers

Module 9:

  • Solving radical and quadratic equations including completing the square and using the quadratic formula
  • Applications of quadratic equations including rectangles, revenue, and distance
  • Graphing quadratics

Module 10:

  • Introduction to functions and function notation including inverse functions
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions including compound interest
  • Trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions
Length: Two semesters Delivery: This course has been taught face to face and as an online course.

Online Content

Each module of the fully integrated Lumen OHM course contains two kinds of assessments:
  • Video Lessons:  These assessments contain video lessons.  After each video there are two questions that correspond with the examples in the video.  These assessments are intended as learning materials.  Optionally, there are workbooks available to guide students in taking notes on the videos.
  • Practice:  These assessments contain additional problems beyond the types covered in the video lessons.  These assessments are intended to serve the role of homework.  Video help is turned off on these assignments so students have to practice without video help.

Video Lesson


Online Practice Problems problem set in my open math

Online Assessment Features

Many questions in the Lumen OHM libraries are randomized, algorithmic questions. Students get immediate feedback after they submit an answer. Question types include:
  • Entering an integer, fraction, decimal
  • Graphing
  • Reading information from a graph
  • Multiple choice
  • Free-writing (instructor graded)
Graphing question Immediate feedback
Screen Shot 2016-09-30 at 2.53.41 PM Screen Shot 2016-09-30 at 2.55.55 PM
Because of the open license on the libraries of questions in Lumen OHM, you are also free to edit and create your own questions with the question writing tools.

Course Review Access

Follow the link to review the Beginning and Intermediate Algebra course material in Lumen OHM.