Sampling Methods and Bias
What you’ll learn to do: Examine the methods for sampling and how bias can affect the results
As we mentioned previously, the first thing we should do before conducting a survey is to identify the population that we want to study. In this lesson, we will show you examples of how to identify the population in a study, and determine whether or not the study actually represents the intended population. We will discuss different techniques for random sampling that are intended to ensure a population is well represented in a sample.Learning Outcomes
- Identify methods for obtaining a random sample of the intended population of a study
- Identify types of sample bias
Learning statistical processes
Statistical processes, like other mathematical processes, are technical recipes for accomplishing a goal. Statistical processes, though, involve making decisions that feel subjective at times. It takes practice with many statistical studies to build up a good instinct for the type of process that is best applied in a given situation. Look for clues and action-words in the descriptions below that will help you differentiate between sampling methods and types of sample bias.Selecting a Population
Suppose we are hired by a politician to determine the amount of support he has among the electorate should he decide to run for another term. What population should we study? Every person in the district? Not every person is eligible to vote, and regardless of how strongly someone likes or dislikes the candidate, they don't have much to do with him being re-elected if they are not able to vote. What about eligible voters in the district? That might be better, but if someone is eligible to vote but does not register by the deadline, they won't have any say in the election either. What about registered voters? Many people are registered but choose not to vote. What about "likely voters?" This is the criteria used in much political polling, but it is sometimes difficult to define a "likely voter." Is it someone who voted in the last election? In the last general election? In the last presidential election? Should we consider someone who just turned 18 a "likely voter?" They weren't eligible to vote in the past, so how do we judge the likelihood that they will vote in the next election?
- Ventura was running on a third-party ticket and most polling methods are better suited to a two-candidate race.
- Many respondents to polls may have been embarrassed to tell pollsters that they were planning to vote for a professional wrestler.
- The mere fact that the polls showed Ventura had little chance of winning might have prompted some people to vote for him in protest to send a message to the major-party candidates.
Sampling bias
Sampling Methods
- A simple random sample is one in which every member of the population and any group of members has an equal probability of being chosen.
- In stratified sampling, a population is divided into a number of subgroups (or strata). Random samples are then taken from each subgroup with sample sizes proportional to the size of the subgroup in the population.
- In cluster sampling, the population is divided into subgroups (clusters), and a set of subgroups are selected to be in the sample.
- In systematic sampling, every nth member of the population is selected to be in the sample.
Sampling Method examples
Convenience sampling and voluntary response sampling
Example 1: A pollster stands on a street corner and interviews the first 100 people who agree to speak to him. Which sampling method is represented by this scenario?Answer: This is a convenience sample.
More Sampling Method Examples
In each case, indicate what sampling method was used.- Every 4th person in the class was selected
- A sample was selected to contain 25 men and 35 women
- Viewers of a new show are asked to vote on the show’s website
- A website randomly selects 50 of their customers to send a satisfaction survey to
- To survey voters in a town, a polling company randomly selects 10 city blocks, and interviews everyone who lives on those blocks.
- Systematic sampling
- Stratified sampling
- Voluntary response sampling
- Simple random sample
- Cluster sampling
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[ohm_question]6733[/ohm_question]Problematic Sampling and Surveying
There are number of ways that a study can be ruined before you even start collecting data. The first we have already explored – sampling or selection bias, which is when the sample is not representative of the population. One example of this is voluntary response bias, which is bias introduced by only collecting data from those who volunteer to participate. This is not the only potential source of bias.Sources of bias
- Sampling bias – when the sample is not representative of the population
- Voluntary response bias – the sampling bias that often occurs when the sample is volunteers
- Self-interest study – bias that can occur when the researchers have an interest in the outcome
- Response bias – when the responder gives inaccurate responses for any reason
- Perceived lack of anonymity – when the responder fears giving an honest answer might negatively affect them
- Loaded questions – when the question wording influences the responses
- Non-response bias – when people refusing to participate in the study can influence the validity of the outcome
Sampling Bias examples
Example 1: Consider a recent study which found that chewing gum may raise math grades in teenagers[footnote]Reuters. Retrieved 4/5/2020[/footnote]. This study was funded by the Wrigley Science Institute, a branch of the Wrigley chewing gum company. Identify the type of sampling bias found in this example.Answer: This is an example of a self-interest study; one in which the researchers have a vested interest in the outcome of the study. While this does not necessarily ensure that the study was biased, it certainly suggests that we should subject the study to extra scrutiny.
Answer: Here, a perceived lack of anonymity could influence the outcome. The respondent might not want to be perceived as racist even if they are, and give an untruthful answer.
Example 4: An employer puts out a survey asking their employees if they have a drug abuse problem and need treatment help. Which sampling bias may occur in this scenario?Answer: Here, answering truthfully might have consequences; responses might not be accurate if the employees do not feel their responses are anonymous or fear retribution from their employer. This survey has the potential for perceived lack of anonymity.
“My favorite finding is this: we did a study where we asked students, 'How satisfied are you with your life? How often do you have a date?' The two answers were not statistically related - you would conclude that there is no relationship between dating frequency and life satisfaction. But when we reversed the order and asked, 'How often do you have a date? How satisfied are you with your life?' the statistical relationship was a strong one. You would now conclude that there is nothing as important in a student's life as dating frequency.”
Answer: It is unlikely that the results will be representative of the entire population. This is an example of non-response bias, introduced by people refusing to participate in a study or dropping out of an experiment. When people refuse to participate, we can no longer be so certain that our sample is representative of the population.
More Sampling Bias Examples
In each situation, identify a potential source of bias- A survey asks how many sexual partners a person has had in the last year
- A radio station asks readers to phone in their choice in a daily poll.
- A substitute teacher wants to know how students in the class did on their last test. The teacher asks the 10 students sitting in the front row to state their latest test score.
- High school students are asked if they have consumed alcohol in the last two weeks.
- The Beef Council releases a study stating that consuming red meat poses little cardiovascular risk.
- A poll asks “Do you support a new transportation tax, or would you prefer to see our public transportation system fall apart?”
- Response bias
- Voluntary response bias
- Sampling bias
- Perceived lack of anonymity
- Self-interest study
- Loaded question
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