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Guias de estudo > Math for Liberal Arts: Co-requisite Course

Fractals Generated by Complex Numbers

You may be familiar with the fractal in the image below.  The boundary of this shape exhibits quasi-self-similarity, in that portions look very similar to the whole. This object is called the Mandelbrot set and is generated by iterating a simple recursive rule using complex numbers.   A shaded fractal shown on a graph.     In this lesson, you will first learn about the arithmetic of complex numbers so you can understand how a fractal like the Mandelbrot set is generated.

Learning Objectives

The learning objectives for this lesson include:
  • Identify the difference between an imaginary number and a complex number
  • Identify the real and imaginary parts of a complex number
  • Plot a complex number on the complex plane
  • Perform arithmetic operations on complex numbers
  • Graph physical representations of arithmetic operations on complex numbers as scaling or rotation
  • Generate several terms of a recursive relation
  • Determine whether a complex number is part of the set of numbers that make up the Mandelbrot set

Arithmetic with Complex Numbers

[footnote]Portions of this section are remixed from Precalculus: An Investigation of Functions by David Lippman and Melonie Rasmussen. CC-BY-SA[/footnote] The numbers you are most familiar with are called real numbers. These include numbers like 4, 275, -200, 10.7, ½, π, and so forth. All these real numbers can be plotted on a number line. For example, if we wanted to show the number 3, we plot a point: To solve certain problems like x2=4x^{2}=–4, it became necessary to introduce imaginary numbers.

Imaginary Number i

The imaginary number i is defined to be i=1i=\sqrt{-1}. Any real multiple of i, like 5i, is also an imaginary number.


Simplify 9\sqrt{-9}. We can separate 9\sqrt{-9} as 91\sqrt{9}\sqrt{-1}. We can take the square root of 9, and write the square root of 1-1 as i.


A complex number is the sum of a real number and an imaginary number.

Complex Number

A complex number is a number z=a+biz=a+bi, where
  • a and b are real numbers
  • a is the real part of the complex number
  • b is the imaginary part of the complex number
To plot a complex number like 34i3-4i, we need more than just a number line since there are two components to the number. To plot this number, we need two number lines, crossed to form a complex plane.

Complex Plane

In the complex plane, the horizontal axis is the real axis and the vertical axis is the imaginary axis. The vertical axis is imaginary, and the horizontal axis is real.


Plot the number 34i3-4i on the complex plane. The real part of this number is 3, and the imaginary part is 4-4. To plot this, we draw a point 3 units to the right of the origin in the horizontal direction and 4 units down in the vertical direction. A graph with imaginary y-axis and real x-axis. The point 3, negative 4 is marked.

Try It Now

In the following video, we present more worked examples of arithmetic with complex numbers. https://youtu.be/XJXDcybM84U When we add complex numbers, we can visualize the addition as a shift, or translation, of a point in the complex plane.


Visualize the addition 34i3-4i and 1+5i-1+5i. The initial point is 34i3-4i. When we add 1+3i-1+3i, we add 1-1 to the real part, moving the point 1 units to the left, and we add 5 to the imaginary part, moving the point 5 units vertically. This shifts the point 34i3-4i to 2+1i2+1i. A graph with an imaginary y-axis and a real x-axis. The point 3, negative 4 is labeled 3 minus 4i. The point 2, 1 is labeled 2 plus 1i. An arrow goes from 3 minus 4i to 2 plus 1i.

Try It Now

To understand the effect of multiplication visually, we’ll explore three examples.


Visualize the product 2(1+2i)2(1+2i). Multiplying we’d get


Notice both the real and imaginary parts have been scaled by 2. Visually, this will stretch the point outwards, away from the origin. Graph with imaginary y-axis and real x-axis. The point 1,2 is marked and labeled 1 plus 2i. The point 2,4 is marked and labeled 2 plus 4i. A red arrow is drawn from the origin and through both points.


Visualize the product i(l+2i)i\left(l+2i\right). Multiplying, we’d get


In this case, the distance from the origin has not changed, but the point has been rotated about the origin, 90° counter-clockwise. The imaginary-real graph with the point 1,2, which is labeled 1 plus 2i, and the point negative 2, 1, which is labeled negative 2 plus i. A dotted red line extends from the origin to 1 plus 2i. A red arrow indicates this dotted line moves so that it extends from the origin to negative 2 plus i.

Try It Now

Multiply 34i3-4i and 2+3i2+3i.

Answer: Multiply (34i)(2+3i)=6+9i8i12i2=6+i12(1)=18+i(3-4i)(2+3i)=6+9i-8i-12{{i}^{2}}=6+i-12(-1)=18+i

The following video presents more examples of how to visualize the results of arithmetic on complex numbers. In the following video, we present more worked examples of arithmetic with complex numbers. https://youtu.be/vPZAW7Lhh1E

Generating Fractals with Complex Numbers

Complex Recursive Sequences

Some fractals are generated with complex numbers.  The Mandlebrot set, which we introduced briefly at the beginning of this module, is generated using complex numbers with a recursive sequence. Before we can see how to generate the Mandelbrot set, we need to understand what a recursive sequence is.

Recursive Sequence

A recursive relationship is a formula which relates the next value, zn+1{{z}_{n+1}}, in a sequence to the previous value, zn{{z}_{n}}. In addition to the formula, we need an initial value, z0{{z}_{0}}.
The sequence of values produced is the recursive sequence.


Given the recursive relationship zn+1=zn+2,z0=4{{z}_{n+1}}={{z}_{n}}+2,\quad{{z}_{0}}=4, generate several terms of the recursive sequence. We are given the starting value, z0=4{{z}_{0}}=4. The recursive formula holds for any value of n, so if n=0n = 0, then zn+1=zn+2{{z}_{n+1}}={{z}_{n}}+2 would tell us z0+1=z0+2{{z}_{0+1}}={{z}_{0}}+2, or more simply, z1=z0+2{{z}_{1}}={{z}_{0}}+2. Notice this defines z1{{z}_{1}} in terms of the known z0{{z}_{0}}, so we can compute the value:


Now letting n=1n = 1, the formula tells us z1+1=z1+2{{z}_{1+1}}={{z}_{1}}+2, or z2=z1+2{{z}_{2}}={{z}_{1}}+2. Again, the formula gives the next value in the sequence in terms of the previous value.




Try It Now

In the following video we show more worked examples of how to generate the terms of a recursive, complex sequence. https://youtu.be/lOyusyTsLTs

Mandelbrot Set

The Mandelbrot Set is a set of numbers defined based on recursive sequences.

Mandelbrot Set

For any complex number c, define the sequence zn+1=zn2+c,z0=0{{z}_{n+1}}={{z}_{n}}^{2}+c,\quad{{z}_{0}}=0 If this sequence always stays close to the origin (within 2 units), then the number c is part of the Mandelbrot Set. If the sequence gets far from the origin, then the number c is not part of the set.


Determine if c=1+ic=1+i is part of the Mandelbrot set. We start with z0=0{{z}_{0}}=0. We continue, omitting some detail of the calculations


We can already see that these values are getting quite large. It does not appear that c=1+ic=1+i is part of the Mandelbrot set.


Determine if c=0.5ic=0.5i is part of the Mandelbrot set. We start with z0=0{{z}_{0}}=0. We continue, omitting some detail of the calculations


While not definitive with this few iterations, it does appear that this value is remaining small, suggesting that 0.5i is part of the Mandelbrot set.

Try It Now

Determine if c=0.4+0.3ic=0.4+0.3i is part of the Mandelbrot set.

Answer: z1=z02+0.4+0.3i=0+0.4+0.3i=0.4+0.3iz2=z12+0.4+0.3i=(0.4+0.3i)2+0.4+0.3iz3=z22+0.5i=(0.25+0.5i)2+0.5i=0.1875+0.25iz4=z32+0.5i=(0.1875+0.25i)2+0.5i=0.02734+0.40625i{{z}_{1}}={{z}_{0}}^{2}+0.4+0.3i=0+0.4+0.3i=0.4+0.3i\\{{z}_{2}}={{z}_{1}}^{2}+0.4+0.3i={{(0.4+0.3i)}^{2}}+0.4+0.3i\\{{z}_{3}}={{z}_{2}}^{2}+0.5i={{(-0.25+0.5i)}^{2}}+0.5i=-0.1875+0.25i\\{{z}_{4}}={{z}_{3}}^{2}+0.5i={{(-0.1875+0.25i)}^{2}}+0.5i=-0.02734+0.40625i

A shaded fractal shown on a graph.If all complex numbers are tested, and we plot each number that is in the Mandelbrot set on the complex plane, we obtain the shape to the right.[footnote]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Mandelset_hires.png[/footnote] The boundary of this shape exhibits quasi-self-similarity, in that portions look very similar to the whole. Watch the following video for more examples of how to determine whether a complex number is a member of the Mandelbrot set. https://youtu.be/ORqk5jAFpWg In addition to coloring the Mandelbrot set itself black, it is common to the color the points in the complex plane surrounding the set. To create a meaningful coloring, often people count the number of iterations of the recursive sequence that are required for a point to get further than 2 units away from the origin. For example, using c=1+ic=1+i above, the sequence was distance 2 from the origin after only two recursions. For some other numbers, it may take tens or hundreds of iterations for the sequence to get far from the origin. Numbers that get big fast are colored one shade, while colors that are slow to grow are colored another shade. For example, in the image below[footnote]This series was generated using Scott’s Mandelbrot Set Explorer[/footnote], light blue is used for numbers that get large quickly, while darker shades are used for numbers that grow more slowly. Greens, reds, and purples can be seen when we zoom in—those are used for numbers that grow very slowly. The Mandelbrot set, for having such a simple definition, exhibits immense complexity. Zooming in on other portions of the set yields fascinating swirling shapes.

Additional Resources

A much more extensive coverage of fractals can be found on the Fractal Geometry site. This site includes links to several Java software programs for exploring fractals. If you are impressed with the Mandelbrot set, check out this TED talk from 2010 given by Benoit Mandelbrot on fractals and the art of roughness.

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