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Apply a Problem-Solving Strategy to Word Problems

Learning Outcomes

  • Approach word problems with a positive attitude
  • Use a problem solving strategy for word problems
  • Translate more complex word problems into algebraic expressions and equations

 Approach Word Problems with a Positive Attitude

The world is full of word problems. How much money do I need to fill the car with gas? How much should I tip the server at a restaurant? How many socks should I pack for vacation? How big a turkey do I need to buy for Thanksgiving dinner, and what time do I need to put it in the oven? If my sister and I buy our mother a present, how much will each of us pay? Now that we can solve equations, we are ready to apply our new skills to word problems. Do you know anyone who has had negative experiences in the past with word problems? Have you ever had thoughts like the student in the cartoon below?
A cartoon image of a girl with a sad expression writing on a piece of paper is shown. There are 5 thought bubbles. They read, Negative thoughts about word problems can be barriers to success.
When we feel we have no control, and continue repeating negative thoughts, we set up barriers to success. We need to calm our fears and change our negative feelings. Start with a fresh slate and begin to think positive thoughts, like the student in the cartoon below. Read the positive thoughts and say them out loud.
A cartoon image of a girl with a confident expression holding some books is shown. There are 4 thought bubbles. They read, When it comes to word problems, a positive attitude is a big step toward success.
If we take control and believe we can be successful, we will be able to master word problems. Think of something that you can do now but couldn't do three years ago. Whether it's driving a car, snowboarding, cooking a gourmet meal, or speaking a new language, you have been able to learn and master a new skill. Word problems are no different. Even if you have struggled with word problems in the past, you have acquired many new math skills that will help you succeed now!

Use a Problem-Solving Strategy for Word Problems

In earlier chapters, you translated word phrases into algebraic expressions, using some basic mathematical vocabulary and symbols. Since then, you've increased your math vocabulary as you learned about more algebraic procedures, and you've had more practice translating from words into algebra. You have also translated word sentences into algebraic equations and solved some word problems. The word problems applied math to everyday situations. You had to restate the situation in one sentence, assign a variable, and then write an equation to solve. This method works as long as the situation is familiar to you and the math is not too complicated. Now we'll develop a strategy you can use to solve any word problem. This strategy will help you become successful with word problems. We'll demonstrate the strategy as we solve the following problem.


Pete bought a shirt on sale for $1818, which is one-half the original price. What was the original price of the shirt? Solution: Step 1. Read the problem. Make sure you understand all the words and ideas. You may need to read the problem two or more times. If there are words you don't understand, look them up in a dictionary or on the Internet.
  • In this problem, do you understand what is being discussed? Do you understand every word?
Step 2. Identify what you are looking for. It's hard to find something if you are not sure what it is! Read the problem again and look for words that tell you what you are looking for!
  • In this problem, the words "what was the original price of the shirt" tell you what you are looking for: the original price of the shirt.
Step 3. Name what you are looking for. Choose a variable to represent that quantity. You can use any letter for the variable, but it may help to choose one that helps you remember what it represents.
  • Let p=p= the original price of the shirt
Step 4. Translate into an equation. It may help to first restate the problem in one sentence, with all the important information. Then translate the sentence into an equation. The top line reads: Step 5. Solve the equation using good algebra techniques. Even if you know the answer right away, using algebra will better prepare you to solve problems that do not have obvious answers.
Write the equation. 18=12p18=\Large\frac{1}{2}p
Multiply both sides by 2. 218=212p\color{red}{2}\cdot18=\color{red}{2}\cdot\Large\frac{1}{2}\normalsize p
Simplify. 36=p36=p
Step 6. Check the answer in the problem and make sure it makes sense.
  • We found that p=36p=36, which means the original price was $36\text{\$36}. Does $36\text{\$36} make sense in the problem? Yes, because 1818 is one-half of 3636, and the shirt was on sale at half the original price.
Step 7. Answer the question with a complete sentence.
  • The problem asked "What was the original price of the shirt?" The answer to the question is: "The original price of the shirt was $36\text{\$36}."
If this were a homework exercise, our work might look like this: The top reads,

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We list the steps we took to solve the previous example.

Problem-Solving Strategy

  1. Read the word problem. Make sure you understand all the words and ideas. You may need to read the problem two or more times. If there are words you don't understand, look them up in a dictionary or on the internet.
  2. Identify what you are looking for.  Determine the constants and variables in the problem.  A constant is a number in the problem that is not going to change.  A variable is a number that you don't yet know its value.
  3. Name what you are looking for. Choose a letter to represent that quantity.
  4. Translate words into algebraic expressions and equations.  Write an equation to represent the problem. It may be helpful to first restate the problem in one sentence before translating.
  5. Solve the equation using good algebra techniques.
  6. Check the answer in the problem. Make sure it makes sense.
  7. Answer the question with a complete sentence.

Translate word problems into expressions

One of the first steps to solving word problems is converting an English sentence into a mathematical sentence. In the table below, words or phrases commonly associated with mathematical operators are categorized. Word problems often contain these or similar words, so it's good to see what mathematical operators are associated with them.
Addition ++ Subtraction - Multiplication ×\times Variable ? Equals ==
More than Less than Double A number Is
Together In the past Product Often, a value for which no information is given. The same as
Sum Slower than  times After how many hours?
Total The remainder of How much will it cost?
In the future  Difference
Faster than
Some examples follow:
  • "x is 5x\text{ is }5" becomes x=5x=5
  • "Three more than a number" becomes x+3x+3
  • "Four less than a number" becomes x4x-4
  • "Double the cost" becomes 2 cost 2\cdot\text{ cost }
  • "Groceries and gas together for the week cost $250" means  groceries + gas =250\text{ groceries }+\text{ gas }=250
  • "The difference of 99 and a number" becomes 9x9-x. Notice how 99 is first in the sentence and the expression.
Let's practice translating a few more English phrases into algebraic expressions.


Translate the table into algebraic expressions:
 some number  the sum of the number and 33  twice the sum of the number and 33
 a length  double the length  double the length, decreased by 66
 a cost  the difference of the cost and 2020  22 times the difference of the cost and 2020
 some quantity  the difference of 55 and the quantity   the difference of 55 and the quantity, divided by 22
 an amount of time  triple the amount of time  triple the amount of time, increased by 55
 a distance  the sum of 4-4 and the distance  the sum of 4-4 and the twice the distance


 aa  a+3a+3  2(a+3)2\left(a+3\right)
 ll  2l2l  2l62l-6
 cc   c20c-20  2(c20)2\left(c-20\right)
 qq  5q5-q  5q2\frac{5-q}{2}
 tt  3t3t  3t+53t+5
 dd  4+d-4+d  4+2d-4+2d

In this example video, we show how to translate more words into mathematical expressions. https://youtu.be/uD_V5t-6Kzs For another review of how to translate algebraic statements into words, watch the following video. https://youtu.be/Hub7ku7UHT4 The power of algebra is how it can help you model real situations in order to answer questions about them.  Let's use this approach with another example.


Yash brought apples and bananas to a picnic. The number of apples was three more than twice the number of bananas. Yash brought 1111 apples to the picnic. How many bananas did he bring?

Answer: Solution:

Step 1. Read the problem.
Step 2. Identify what you are looking for. How many bananas did he bring?
Step 3. Name what you are looking for.Choose a variable to represent the number of bananas. Let b=number of bananasb=\text{number of bananas}
Step 4. Translate. Restate the problem in one sentence with all the important information.Translate into an equation. 1111\enspace\Rightarrow The number of apples==\enspace\Rightarrow was 33\enspace\Rightarrow three ++\enspace\Rightarrow more than 2b2b\enspace\Rightarrow twice the number of bananas
Step 5. Solve the equation. 11=2b+311=2b+3
Subtract 3 from each side. 113=2b+3311\color{red}{-3}=2b+3\color{red}{-3}
Simplify. 8=2b8=2b
Divide each side by 2. 82=2b2\Large\frac{8}{\color{red}{2}}\normalsize =\Large\frac{2b}{\color{red}{2}}
Simplify. 4=b4=b
Step 6. Check: First, is our answer reasonable? Yes, bringing four bananas to a picnic seems reasonable. The problem says the number of apples was three more than twice the number of bananas. If there are four bananas, does that make eleven apples? Twice 4 bananas is 8. Three more than 8 is 11.
Step 7. Answer the question. Yash brought 4 bananas to the picnic.

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Twenty-eight less than five times a certain number is 232232. What is the number?

Answer: Following the steps provided:

  1. Read and understand: we are looking for a number.
  2. Constants and variables: 2828 and 232232 are constants, "a certain number" is our variable, because we don't know its value, and we are asked to find it. We will call it xx.
  3. Translate: five times a certain number translates to 5x5x Twenty-eight less than five times a certain number translates to 5x285x-28, because subtraction is built backward. "is 232" translates to "=232"=232" since "is" is associated with equals.
  4. Write an equation: 5x28=2325x-28=232
  5. Solve the equation using what you know about solving linear equations:

    5x28=2325x=260x=52   \begin{array}{r}5x-28=232\\5x=260\\x=52\,\,\,\end{array}

  6. Check and interpret: We can substitute 5252 for xx.



In the video that follows, we show another example of how to translate a sentence into a mathematical expression using a problem solving method. https://youtu.be/izIIqOztUyI   In the next example, we will apply our Problem-Solving Strategy to applications of percent.


Nga's car insurance premium increased by $60\text{\$60}, which was \text{8%} of the original cost. What was the original cost of the premium?

Answer: Solution:

Step 1. Read the problem. Remember, if there are words you don't understand, look them up.
Step 2. Identify what you are looking for. the original cost of the premium
Step 3. Name. Choose a variable to represent the original cost of premium. Let c=the original costc=\text{the original cost}
Step 4. Translate. Restate as one sentence. Translate into an equation. .
Step 5. Solve the equation. 60=0.08c60=0.08c
Divide both sides by 0.080.08. 600.08=0.08c0.08\Large\frac{60}{\color{red}{0.08}}\normalsize =\Large\frac{0.08c}{\color{red}{0.08}}
Simplify. c=750c=750
Step 6. Check: Is our answer reasonable? Yes, a $750\text{\$750} premium on auto insurance is reasonable. Now let's check our algebra. Is 8% of 750 equal to 6060?750=c750=c 0.08(750)=600.08(750)=60 60=6060=60\quad\checkmark
Step 7. Answer the question. The original cost of Nga's premium was $750\text{\$750}.

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